OPAS Nylon Turnbuttons

15 December 2021


Dear Valued Customer,

We apologise for all the problems experienced with Morito Scovill USA and the delivery/supply of DOT fasteners over the past 18 months. This was created by the difficulties experienced with Brexit & European border controls in the Netherlands. Followed by the Worldwide difficulties created by Covid-19 causing material & labour shortages.

This in turn has pushed up the price of raw materials, such as copper,brass & stainless steel. Also the cost of finishing such as nickel plating, brass plating etc.

We have 18 months supply of Dot fasteners on back order stock since February 21 with orders in place for delivery from Jan.22 through to July 22. These deliveries are running 3 to 6 months overdue, creating challenges for all of us. I’m sure you will all agree with me when I say, we are all looking forward to the back of the challenges presented by Covid-19 and being able to supply on demand again...

To cap it all. We have been informed of a price increase, as of 1st February 2022 on all our brass based Dot fasteners of 15% . As explained in the letter below from Scovill USA.

Yours Sincerely

Dave Ramus
Managing Director
Opas Southern Ltd


December 15, 2021


Dear Valued Partner,

Morito Scovill Americas (MSA) takes pride in the partnerships we have with you, our customers. To uphold the values of our partnership, we need to communicate changes in the pricing of our brass-based products.
As we have collectively learned to adjust to challenges faced during the pandemic, there has been a resurgence in demand for raw materials. This increased demand on producing mills is causing backlogs and delays are being experienced throughout the supply chain. We are continuing to monitor the situation and are doing our part to mitigate raw material shortages.

Along with the surge in demand, we have witnessed the price of copper rise to its current 2021 price of $4.24, compared to $2.80 in 2020 and $2.72 in 2019. Unfortunately, the latest forecast for 2022 shows no decrease in the price of copper for the foreseeable future. MSA can no longer absorb these increases and will be implementing a price increase of 15% across our entire line of brass-based products, effective February 1, 2022.

Your business is important to us and we are thankful for your continued support and understanding. Should you have any questions, please contact your Representative for more information.


Shane McEntyre
Chief Sales Office
Morito Scovill Americas



Covid 19

OPAS are operating as normally as is possible:  We are very pleased to report that customer orders have been fulfilled and dispatched without delays throughout the crisis, however, we are not currently open for personal visits without appointment. If you wish to collect your order in person, please call 01903 239 955 to make a covid-safe appointment.